Weeki Messenger - Instant Messenger (Full App)

Weeki Messenger - Instant Messenger (Full App)
Fast, fully designed and instant messaging app for android with a lot of great features. With this application, you can talk with anyone in your friend list without any limitations with attachment feature like sharing images and sending emoticons. The app is fully designed and is purely coded to make it easier to understand for developers. You can find friends, add them and...
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eWallet - Online Payment Gateway

eWallet - Online Payment Gateway
eWallet is an online payment gateway system script made with PHP & MySQL. wanna start your own payment gateway like PayPal, Perfect Money, Bitcoin or other’s. than eWallet is best solution for you. you can start your own Payment gateway system within just 5 minutes. Its fully responsive and fully dynamic. we included more than 20+ advance features in admin panel to make...
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Events Schedule v1.8.1 - WordPress Plugin

Events Schedule v1.8.1 - WordPress Plugin
Simple but versatile WordPress plugin, for an elegant display of your classes or events. You can choose one of the five timetable styles, each with different design and features. Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/events-schedule-wordpress-plugin/14907462  http://hfiles.ro/download/eventsschedule_181.rar/1593294 http://www.mirrorcreator.com/files/JX4VKWPU/even...
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