Earn money by starting your own monetized link shortening service, just like adf.ly clone, ouo.io clone, linkshrink.net clone or shorte.st clone! Allow members to shorten links & earn money, and keep a share of the profit. AdLinkFly includes a complete publisher and advertiser system, campaigns, referrals, withdrawals, API, translation ready, PayPal, Payza, Bitcoin & Bank Transfer integration, reCAPTCHA integration and much more!
Demo Account
Administration/Member Panel Access
URL: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/
Username: DemoAccount
Password: password
Interstitial Ad Example
Stats: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/IgaZ/info
Banner Ad Example
Stats: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/55yVTj/info
No Advert Example
Stats: http://adlinkfly.mightyscripts.com/LB845kLq/info
Mighty Features
- Publishers and you can earn money by showing ads when users click on shortened links
- Ability to change the CPM (Cost Per Mille, thousands) for each country
- Different ad types
- Interstitial ? Full page ad
- Banner ? 728×90, 468×60 & 336×280
- No ad ? will work as redirect servise like bit.ly
- Publishers have access to a powerful dashboard
- Statistics sorted by Month & Year
- Auto-generated line graphs
- Can view, edit, and hide links
Advertiser System
- Each visitor you will purchase will meet the following criteria:
- Unique within a 24 hour time frame
- They are not using Adblocker extenstions
- They will have JavaScript enabled
- They will have Cookies enabled
- Must view your website for at least 5 seconds
- Advertisers can pay campaigns using:
- PayPal ? just enter your PayPal e-mail and get paid!
- Payza ? just enter your Payza e-mail and get paid!
- Advertisers can select campaigns target sources like
- Desktop
- Mobile/tablests
- All sources
- Advertisers can pause, resume and monitor their campaigns
Payment Gateways
- PayPal with sandbox support
- Payza
- Bitcoin
- Bank Transfer
- And more is coming ….
Withdrawal System
- Publishers can withdraw their earned profits using PayPal or Payza
- Turn off withdrawals if funds are low
Referrals System
The AdLinkFly referral program is a great way to spread the word of this great service and to earn even more money with your short links! Refer friends and receive 20% of their earnings for life!
Members System
- visitors can sign up and activation e-mails will be sent out
- reCAPTCHA verification on reset password and signup pages
- Allow users to reset their passwords
- Allow users to change their email address
- Users can add add their billing information like first name, last name, address, country, city, state and phone number
API Tools
- Quick Link: Everyone can use the shortest way to shorten links with AdLinkFly.
- Mass Shrinker: Enter up to 20 URLs (one per line) to be shrunk and added to your account
- Full Page Script: If you have a website with 100’s or 1000’s of links you want to change over to short then tool will be helpful for you.
- Developers API: For developers AdLinkFly prepared API which returns responses in JSON format.
Captcha System
- Enable/Disable Captcha
- Enable/Disable on Short Links Page
- Enable/Disable on Signup Form
- Enable/Disable on Forgot Password Form
Translation Ready
Easliy translate AdLinkFly to the language of your choice.
You can add unlimited pages with the ability to edit and delete.
- Ajax contact form.
- Copy button(No flash required anymore) for shotned links
Administration Panel
- Easily accessible & make users admins
- View site statistics on the dashboard
- Change website name & description
- Change default site language and timezone
- Add your website logo in two versions
- Enable/Disable Account Activation by Email
- Enable/Disable advertising features
- Change Referral Percentage earning
- Ability to add Head Code into front area pages
- Ability to add Head Code into Auth pages like signin, sinup, forgot password pages
- Ability to add Head Code into member area
- Ability to add Head Code into admin area
- Disallow certain domains from be shortened
- Change alias min length & max length
- Enable/Disable Interstitial Advertisement
- Enable/Disable Banner Advertisement
- Enable/Disable No Advert
- Set default advertisement type for anonymous and members
- Set counter value into short links pages
- Set Mass Shrinker Limit
- Admin can ads into various positions like:
- Member Area
- Captcha page
- Interstitial Page Ad: This ad will be displayed between logo and counter.
- Banner 728×90
- Banner 468×60
- Banner 336×280
- Ability to change currency code
- Ability to change Currency symbol
- Ability to ad Facebook Page URL
- Ability to ad Twitter Profile URL
- Ability to ad Google Plus URL
- SMTP email support
- Ability to filter campaigns
- Ability to filter users
- Ability to filter links
System Requirements
- PHP>= 5.5.9
- mod_rewrite module enabled
- openssl or mcrypt extension
- intl extension
- curl extension
- dom extension
- MySQL 5.1.10 or greater
Change Log
Version 3.1.1 - (5 October 16)
- Fixed: Cookie check is not working properly
- Updated: French language to latest version
Version 3.1.0 - (3 October 16)
- Added: Reports for campaign view in admin
- Added: Reports search for campaigns into admin
- Added: Add ReCaptcha into contact form
- Added: Currency position(before/after price) option
- Added: Reserved words option for user usernames
- Added: Reserved words option for URLs aliases
- Added: Placeholders for Bank Transfer Instructions like [campaign_id], [campaign_price], [campaign_visitors]
- Fixed: Coinbase IPN issue
- Fixed: Short Link in popup box doesn’t display properly on mobile phone
- Fixed: Remove default $ sign from campaign view
- Improved: Allow Magnetic URLs for full page script
- Improved: Strict ad types for tools section in member area
- Improved: Contact form is not sending properly into Namecheap hosting
- Improved: Allow minimum withdrawal amount to accept float number
- Improved: Log cURL errors
- Improved: Display correct error messages when shorten URLs
- Improved: Allow empty i & span tags on page editor
- Improved: Add help text to campaigns
- Improved: Remove empty disallowed domains
- Improved: Allow "No Advert" into filter
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 3.0.2 - (19 September 16)
Fixed: SQL strict mode error while updating database
Fixed: Withdraw table update issue
Fixed: Disable home shortening option is not working
Version 3.0.1 - (18 September 16)
Fixed: new installation error "Invalid username or password, try again"
Version 3.0.0 - (17 September 16)
- Added: Bitcoin payment method
- Added: Bank Transfer payment method
- Added: Home counters for website clicks and users
- Added: User can add custom alias when shorten a URL
- Added: Magnetic links support
- Added: Option to enable/disable the public statistics(/info)
- Added: Statistics link for each link in member and admin areas
- Added: Option to disable URL shortening into the home page
- Added: fr_FR translation. Thanks to @Nando850
- Added: pt_BR translation. Thanks to @wallacealves
- Improved: API is working with all ad types now
- Improved: Ability short links without adding http://
- Improved: Increase the login session duration
- Improved: Allow new short link if it shorten with a different advertising type
- Improved: Added missing translations
- Improved: Short link in a popup box into member area.
- Improved: Add noindex, nofollow to short links pages
- Fixed: Statistics for No Advert type is not working.
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.6.0 - (5 September 16)
- Added: Statistics for short links by adding "/info" to the end of URL
- Added: Control how many paid views for each campaign per 24 hours
- Added: Option for minimum withdrawal amount
- Added: Visual editor for pages
- Added: the reason for each statistic within the database
- Added: Option to set default advertising type for mass shrinker
- Improved: Allow full page script to work with no advert
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.5.2 - (22 August 16)
- Added: Spanish (Spain) language thanks to @juniorcines
- Added: Pagination into withdrawing listing pages.
- Fixed: License activation issue
- Fixed: Payza alert URL
- Fixed: Display enabled payment methods only
Version 2.5.1 - (15 August 16)
- Improved: A lot of improvements for full page script tool
- Improved: Move short link title & description to open graph meta for better SEO
- Fixed: Contact form error when sending
- Fixed: Error while installing on some systems
- Fixed: Warning on some pages
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.5.0 - (12 August 16)
- Added: Payza payment gateway
- Added: Full Page Script to short your website links
- Added: Option to set default campaign type for anonymous and members
- Added: Options to enable/disable campaigns types
- Added: Option to add referrals HTML code into member page
- Added: Option to add head code into member area
- Added: Option to add head code into admin area
- Added: Option to add head code into auth area
- Added: Option to enable/disable email activation
- Added: Ad link type into links filter
- Improved: Disable SSL on short links
- Improved: Give default campaigns a low priority
- Improved: Price format when creating campaigns
- Improved: Translate countries names
- Fixed: Error when using mass shrinker tool
- Other improvements and minor bug fixes
Version 2.0.0 - (26 July 16)
- Added: Banner ads system 728x90, 468x60 & 336x280
- Added: Ad-block visitor's view will not be counted as paid
- Added: Referrals System
- Added: Admin can add his own ads into banner page, member area and/or captcha page
- Added: Campaigns Desktop/Mobile target sources
- Added: Direct Short links(no ads)
- Added: Ability to filter campaigns
- Added: Ability to filter users
- Added: Copy button(No flash required anymore)
- Added: Logo image
- Added: Captcha control - enable/disable on short links page, signup form and/or forgot password form
- Added: Manage Hidden Links
- Added: Manage Inactive Links
- Added: version number on admin footer
- Added: More content for SEO
- Improved: Force upgrade database redirect
- Improved: Display Title, description & image on redirect pages(Links will looks well on Facebook,..)
- Improved: Display warning message to make sure there is at least one default campaign for each ad type.
- Improved: Make sure to select at least 1 country while creating campaigns
- Improved: Automatically count view without clicking on skip ad button
- Improved: Remove anonymous from earnings
- Improved: Convert dates based on time zone selected on settings
- Improved: Prices are displayed well now
- Improved: Lock the administration area with purchase code
- Fixed: Division by zero error
Version 1.4.1 - (13 July 16)
Fixed: email.php file not found on new installations
Version 1.4.0 - (13 July 16)
- Added: Currency symbol option
- Added: SMTP TLS option
- Fixed: Campaigns don't work properly after the last update.
Version 1.3.1 - (12 July 16)
- Fixed: Disable debug mode
Version 1.3.0 - (11 July 16)
- Added: SMTP option for sending emails
- Fixed: Developers API error
- Improved: Link creator can not earn from campaigns created by himself
- Improved: Display the payout rates from highest to lowest
- Improved: Empty cache directory after saving options
- Improved: Allow http and https urls only to be shortened
- Improved: Lock anonymous user from editing
Version 1.2.0 - (8 July 16)
- Added: Ability to filters links by id, user id, alias and title
- Added: Admin can create campaigns
- Added: Option to enable/disable advertising feature
- Improved: Bypass MySQL STRICT mode
- Improved: Clear all cache after saving options
Version 1.1.0 - (5 July 16)
- Added: reCAPTCHA layer before visitor go to ads page
- Added: Option to set counter on ads page
- Added: Option to set mass shrinker URLs limit
- Improved: Replace allow_url_fopen with curl extension for more security
- Improved: Display original link title on admin and member lisiting pages
Version 1.0.0 - (4 July 16)
- First release