CamFun | iOS Universal Social Photo App Template (Swift)


CamFun | iOS Universal Social & Photo Editor App Template (Swift)

Sep 18th 2016
• Updated to Xcode 8
• We had to embed all the views that are in ScrollViews into a UIView called 'contView' in Storyboard, so the app will keep all layouts ok due to a bug of Xcode 8 on Autoresizing mask.
You'll find this line of code into viewDidLoad() methods in the .swift files that have a ScrollView:
contView.frame.size.width = view.frame.size.width
NOTE: Due to the bug on Xcode 8, every time you'll reopen your Xcode project, you will have to select those 'contView' UIViews and set their width to 320 by using the Size inspector panel on the right size

May 4th 2016
• Went back to Parse SDK, hosted on back{4}app | removed CloudKit
• Removed iAd banners

Mar 24th 2016
• Updated to XCode 7.3

CamFun is a Universal full app template with custom camera controller, collage frames and editing tools to enhance your pictures as you wish.
Plus, it has a nice feature called Wall Of Fame, which works with CloudKit backend and may get your app popular on the App Store because of its challenging original system. Pictures that get more likes on the Wall Of Fame will move automatically on the top of it, and all users can check received likes on their own Profile screen, login, sign up for a new account and have fun by showcasing their works to the other subscribed people!

CamFun is very easy to customize, Storyboard, Universal, native XCode project, Swift language, Parse SDK hosted on back{4}app

  • XCode 8.x project – Swift – 64bit

  • iOS 8/9/10+ – Universal – Storyboard

  • Admob banners

  • Custom Camera controller with Expose slider on touch

  • Works with Parse SDK hosted on back{4}app

  • Wall Of Fame, managed by CloudKit backend, including Profile, Login and Sing Up controllers

  • Collage frames

  • All Filters generate a series of thumbnails by filtering your taken image, so you don’t have to build png thumbnails for Filters Tool

  • Share your pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Mail, WhatsApp, etc.

  • PDF User Guide included

  • PSD graphics included

  • Easy to customize, well commented code

Have fun with CamFun and don’t forget to rate it on your Downloads page if you like it!

Important Disclaimer: We’ve recently found out that some developers have bought our app templates, reskinned them just a bit and put them on sale on other source code markets smilar to CodeCanyon, saying that they developed and own such source codes.
That is a serious copyright infringement, developers who buy our templates are allowed to reskin and sell them as apps on the AppStore (accordingly to the License type they’ve purchased a template for), but are not allowed to put our original source codes for sale on source code markets, including CodeCanyon.
We will report developers who made copyright infringements to the competent authorities.



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