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Candidate – is a professional Drupal theme facilitating you to develop your websites for political/nonprofit organization… with a variety of necessary modules such as Events, Blog, Shop…
Built with standard modern design in mind, Candidate is 100% reponsive and retina ready. It not only delivers stunning designs which are easy to showcase your website content including 3 options for homepage, Calendar pages, Blog pages, Shop pages, Media pages (portfolio pages, gallery pages) and other pages to show more information: About, Team, Issues, Testimonials, Contact page; but also covers lots of technological utilities to give your website an eyecatchy look and easy-to-manage panel such as touch enabled slider & carousels, Cloud Zoom & Lightbox on proudct page (Jackbox – save $10), Revolution slider (save $14), based on bootstrap 3 framework…
Excited to take a closer look and find out more?Check it out!!
Compatible with Drupal: Drupal 7.x
Full Features List
- 100% Responsive.
- Retina ready: Apple high resolution devices ready.
- HTML5 and CSS3: Take full advantage of modern web technologies. Semantic HTML markup and standard compliant CSS.
- Integrated Revolution Slider: save $14.
- Integrated “Drupal Commerce” for Shop.
- Bootstrap v3.1.1
- Multi-color.
- Fully validated on http://validator.w3.org/
- Pro shortcodes: Allow you to use shortcode easily anywhere you want by Copy/Paste tool for any pages: Accordion, Toggles, Tabs, Columns, Buttons, Alert, Carousels, Tab vertical.
- Quick view product popup.
- Touch-enabled option for product carousels and sliders.
- Product Cloud Zoom and lightbox available.
- Boxed and Wide versions.
- Drop-down shopping cart.
- 3 Options for Homepages (Home variant: Home v1-v2-v3).
- Event pages (Calendar, Event post style 1, Event post style 2).
- Full widht blog, Blog style 1 with right sidebar, Blog style 2 with left sidebar, blog detail page: with sidebar and full width: Simple but professional.
- Integrated webform module on Contact us page.
- Portfolio Page: You can easy to choose one template for your portfolio page you want: Sortable Grid: 1 columns with right sidebar, 2 columns, 3 coulmns, 3 columns with left sidebar, 4 coulumns. Grid with pagination: 1 columns with right sidebar, 2 columns, 3 coulmns, 3 columns with left sidebar, 4 coulumns. Classic gallery: Sortable 3 columns, Sortable 3 columns with right sidebar, Sortable 4 columns, 3 columns, 3 columns with left sidebar, 4 columns and single portfolio post: fullwidht, with sidebar, Extended image Slideshow.
- Shop pages (Front page, Product page, Shopping cart): Provide a professional webshop with Drupal commerce integrated.
- Typography pages.
- Working Newsletter subscription form.
- More social network with Social icon friendly.
- 600+ Google fonts
- Free Google fonts: “Titillium”, Montserrat (Some CSS3 effects not supported by IE9).
- Cross-browser and Cross-platform Tested on Windows (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE9, IE10, IE11), Mac (Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera), iOS (iPhone, iPad) and Android.
- Sticky Menu: Easy to navigate anywhere.
- 3 Level Drop-Down menu: easy choose menu with 3 level show.
- One-click installation.
- Free Installation.
- Continuous Support and Updates: We provide fantastic support & keep our theme up to date.
- And much more..
Updated Version 1.0.1 – 19th Apr 2016
- Update multi color for theme.
- Update drupal core and all module using to latest version.
Initial Release – Version 1.0 – 19th Sep 2015
- Initial Release.
- Clipart for the preview was bought from http://depositphotos.com
- IMPORTANT: clipart is not included in the stock file.