FLATCMS – The most simple cms there is
Turn any existing static website into a CMS content management system in a few minutes. Edit, upload, resize and manage images and files.
FLATCMS can be used on a desktop, tablet or smartphone. Works with language files ( currently available English, Spanish, Italian, German and Dutch ). Create in minutes a cms for a client with static html files.
Uses Bootstrap, Optimal security (with brute force protection), xHTML valid sourcecode and the latest TinyMCE 4
FLATCMS is one of the most simple Content Management System (CMS) there is. With FLATCMS the owner of a website can easily edit the content. This doesn’t require any knowlegde about websites or HTML.
You can install FLATCMS in any existing website or just use a html template. You provide the HTML-files with some editable region tags. FLATCMS will then know which parts it’s allowed to edit. It doesn’t matter if you made the HTML-files yourself or if they’re made by software like Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Studio Webdesign, WebCreator etc.
As an Administrator you have your own login code. This allows you to easily change the configuration, like hiding certain folders, switch on/off buttons for various properties settings in the (WYSIWYG) Editor or changing the language and set the login code for a user.
Go to http://www.flatcms.nl to look at the demo (admin and explanations)
I also made a small demo with a one page bootstrap template and flatcms.
Go to http://bootstrap.flatcms.nl/ and look into the source how I added the editable regions.
Go to http://bootstrap.flatcms.nl/admin/ to log in and see how it looks like in the admin ( login admin – 1 ). I made this example in 10 minutes !
Another demo has been made with my facebook landings page. I added some custom blocks so the content will be filled with facebook data but the user can add some extra text in those blocks. See Custom Text header http://facebook.flatcms.nl/
From there you can click to see the admin ( login admin – 1 ).
It’s really easy to install FLATCMS.
- Just put some tags
<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="one" --> and <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
around the text areas in your website, so a user can edit these text parts. - Upload the html files and the admin dir to your server.
- Go to http://www.yoursite.com/admin/ and an installation wizzard will be shown.
- Fill in the required fields like username and pass and you are ready to go.
FLATCMS will directly scan you website for files with these tags and allow a user to edit these regions.
Take a look at the install manual (included in the installation wizzard)
You can login here to see a demo of FLATCMS. Because this is a demo none of the changes will be saved. For the admin login you can use (name) admin – (pass) 1 or as user (name) user – (pass) 1
You can easily add some of my other plugins to the TinyMCE wysiwyg like my TinyMCE 4 plugin Youtube search and insert , TinyMCE 4 plugin Flickr image search and place or TinyMCE 4 plugin Picasa/Google plus images
Some comments
“Everything. The whole thing is absolutely brilliant. Thank you for producing such a good quality product. I hope you stick around to provide support for this product for many years to come. It’s really good quality and we’ll be planning on purchasing more licenses for more clients with static sites in the months to come. Thank you again.” – AtreyuOhmsford
“awesome script… simple, straight foward, tiny learning curve. loved it !!!!!!” – fakokay
“Great product and fantastic support.” – LcParrini
“Beautiful work, one of the best purchases I have ever made here, I strongly recommend.” – vsdesigner
“Eight months after the purchase of this script. Every day I like. HTML and PHP to work, static and dynamic pages. It is much more flexible than any cms. With a little imagination it becomes a design position. You can adapt any modern responsive themes within minutes. For those who doubt, which can clearly be in munti-language, multi-themes, and what you want. Let your work directly on the server, upload images and change sizes. It is intuitive and easy. Clean and fast results, no database required for the script itself. It installs in 1 minute. The support is very good, support and improvement suggestions. A great script. A grateful purchaser. Five stars Excuse me for my bad english.” – cesar52
Rating and updates
I will NOT give support to free hosting services or a local host setup since I cannot solve then any path problems if they occur.
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.4.0. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (jul 07 2016)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.3.11. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (apr 27 2016)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.3.8. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (mrt 16 2016)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.3.7. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (mrt 3 2016)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.3.3. including lang files. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (jan 27 2016)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.2.7. including lang files. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (0ct 27 2015)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.2.5. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (aug 31 2015)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.2.4. (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (aug 17 2015)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.2.3. Bug fix TinyMCE for Edge (windows 10) (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (aug 8 2015)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.2.2 (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (jul 22 2015)
Version 1.0.4 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.2.1 (with a new flat UI) (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (jun 29 2015)
Version 1.0.4 - added prefix tx_ Only a plain textarea will appear (no WYSIWYG or JS buttons) (apr 21 2015)
Version 1.0.3 - Added blockquote to the WYSIWYG. Updated the installation pdf how to use custom css with the WYSIWYG editor (apr 19 2015)
Version 1.0.3 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.1.10
There are now three prefixes which you can set before the region name
ts_ With this one only a few buttons will appear in the WYSIWYG (bold,italic and colors)
nm_ Setting this will overrule the metatags and they will not appear
js_ With this one the textarea will not be using the WYSIWYG editor but a plain textarea. Great for editing advanced menu’s or js parts
The user won't see these prefixes only the admin
Examples <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name=”ts_test” --> <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name=”nm_js_test” --> (apr 19 2015)
Version 1.0.2 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.1.9 (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (mar 10 2015)
Version 1.0.2 - Updated TinyMCE to version 4.1.8 (to update just overwrite the dir admin/tinymce) (mar 6 2015)
Version 1.0.2 - Added italian lang (thanks to Luca Parrini) (feb 2 2015)
Version 1.0.2 - Single and double quotes will be removed from the metatags when saving (jan 21 2015)
Version 1.0.2 - Added jQuery tags metakeywords (jan 19 2015)
Version 1.0.1 - Added Spanish lang, added _ prefix for non WYSIWYG, added js buttons for the normal textarea, updated installation guide and added check if a lang in TinyMCE exist (jan 10 2015)
Small fixes and UI update (jan 8 2015)
First 1.0 release (jan 6 2015)
To update just replace all files in the admin dir except /admin/config.php and /admin/editor.css