Want to create and incredible church or non-profit website? Sick of testing and evaluating themes? Choose the ONE completely versatile theme you can use to create the website you need.
Permanently updated, with 24/7 reliable support and amazing features:
- Visual Composer – SAVE $33
- Slider Revolution – SAVE $18
- (*) – Dummy sliders included in the package;
- Mega Main Menu – SAVE $14
- Video & Background Parallax – SAVE $12
- Events Calendar
- Calendar view;
- Events list
- Events list by month
- Events list by day
- Single event page
- WooCommerce Integration
- Fancy hovers
- Compare feature
- Wishlist feature
- Quick View feature
- Related products
- Shop by product categories
- Sale banners
- List & Grid views
- Number of shop columns
- Enable/disable compare products feature
- Enable/disable wishlist feature
- Enable/disable shop Quick View
- Enable/disable Related Products
- Number of related products
- Redux Framework Theme-Options Panel
- General Settings
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Styling Settings
- Header Settings
- Footer Settings
- Contact Settings
- Blog Settings
- Shop Settings
- 404 Page Settings
- Social Media Settings
- SEO Settings (Google Analytics built-in)
- MailChimp Newsletter
- Demo Data Importer
- Donations
- Donations list;
- YouTube&Vimeo videos;
- Single Donations page;
- Services
- Services list;
- Single Services page;
- Sermons
- Sermons list;
- Youtube video sermon;
- Vimeo video sermon;
- MP3 audio sermon;
- Image sermon;
- Single sermons page;
- Members
- Members list;
- Member types (Pastor/Regular members, etc…);
- Multiple header variants
- Multiple footer variants
- One-click importer
- 600+ Google Fonts
- Font Icons instead of images
- Well documented
- PHP-Ajax Contact Form
- Various Custom Widgets and much more
- Multiple Colors & Skins Throughout
- Eye-catching CSS Animations
- Compatible with: Contact form 7
- Permanent updates
- Excellent Typography
- Optimized for high speed
- Fast and easy to use
Enjoy creating amazing websites. Impress your clients and your colleagues and make more money with your business. All with ONE incredible theme. Try it now! It will change everything you know about web design.
If you like ichthys, please don?t forget RATE it
. It means a lot for our reputation. Thanks you.
Change LOG
=== Update v1.4 – 23-SEP-2016 ===
[NEW] - WooCommerce 2.6.4 Compatibility;
[IMPROVED] - WooCommerce products list layout;
[FIXED] - WooCommerce products 2 columns per row issue;
[UPDATED] - 'Revolution Slider' plugin has been updated to latest version(v5.2.6);
=== Update v1.3 – 21-JUN-2016 ===
[NEW] - WooCommerce v2.6 Compatibility;
[FIXED] - WooCommerce Add to Cart button broken layout has been fixed;
=== Update v1.2.1 – 26-MAY-2016 ===
[IMPROVED] - Breadcrumbs feature was improved for taxonomy sermon;
[FIXED] - vc_map() fatal error when activating the theme;
=== Update v1.2 – 25-MAY-2016 ===
[NEW] - Sermons Category page;
[UPDATED] - We updated Mega Main Menu to latest version;
[UPDATED] - We also updated TGM Plugin Activation library to the latest version(v2.6.1).
=== Update v1.1 – 15-APR-2016 ===
[NEW] - WordPress 4.5 compatibility;
[NEW] - Visual Composer 4.11.2 compatibility;
[FIXED] - After upgrade to WordPress 4.5 the layout becomes boxed. This has been fixed;
=== Update v1.0.3 – 11-APR-2016 ===
[NEW] - WooCommerce 2.5.5 theme compatibility;
[NEW] - The page title/breadcrumbs bar can have its own background color/text color/links color;
[IMPROVED] - Modified all H4 to H1 (page titles) - SEO Purpose;
[IMPROVED] - Donations progress bar labels
[IMPROVED] - Theme Options Panel;
[IMPROVED] - The Events Calendar can be installed with one click ;
[UPDATED] - Demo Importer Options;
[UPDATED] - Visual Composer to its latest version;
[UPDATED] - Essential Grid to its latest version;
[UPDATED] - Total Donations to its latest version;
[UPDATED] - Revolution Slider to its latest version;
[UPDATED] - WooCommerce files bundled with the theme;
=== Update v1.0.2 – 04-DEC-2015 ===
[NEW] - Christmas Homepage Thematic added;
=== Update v1.0.1 – 30-OCT-2015 ===
[FIXED] - Custom shortcodes not showing on Visual Composer Editor;
=== Released v1.0 – 25-OCT-2015 ===
[RELEASED] - v1.0;
Fonts Used: Roboto / Libre Baskerville Google Fonts
Design: Created by a web design romania team
Images: shutterstock.com- All rights reserved! (Images not included in the theme-package)
Icons: FontAwesome http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/
Entire list of credits comes with the package of the theme
page builder
Theme Forest