SideDoctor can check your website’s health status within a minute. Follow the suggestion provided by the SiteDoctor and make your site more SEO friendly. SiteDoctor will analysis all metrics of your website such as title, description, keyword, tag, page size, page speed, server status, compression status, mobile friendly status, image/css/javacript status and many more other important metrics of your website.
It has built in support for 11 languages and you can add any language easily.
Awesome website will be provided and system collects emails of your visitors. Mailchimp is also integrated.
There are total 6 spaces for showing advertises. You can control wheather you want to want to show adertise or not as well as collect email or not through powerful admin panel with many more settings. You will also get awesome dashboard with visitor tracking feature.
Key Features
Website health checker
Google page speed insight
Google mobile ready
Website health comparison
PDF report generation (own branding)
Lead collection and Mailchimp integration
Advertise ready
Powerful dashboard with visitor info
Unique visitor
Page view
Average stay time
Average visit
Bounce rate
Traffic source
Visitor type
Country-wise report
Browser report
OS report
Device report
100% responsive design and many more
Health check metrics
Responsive design
Front-end preview
Dashboard preview
Multilingual Support (11 built-in)
Visit our documentation to know more
How to install?
Installation Manual
After install your admin panel link will be something like this: http://yoursite.com/home/login
Live Demo
Front-end: http://sitedoc.xeroneit.net/
Admin Panel: http://sitedoc.xeroneit.net/home/login
Username: admin@gmail.com
Password: 123456
Our team is ready to solve your problem as soon as possible. Please feel free to check our envato support instructions.We will try our best to get your five star rating.
Change Log :
How to update?
v1.1 : 12th October 2016
-Fix : Russian or other utf-8 language issue fixed
-Fix : Depreciated tags check fixed
-Fix : Unicode domain issue fixed
-Fix : Report send do not work in Italian language issue fixed
-Fix : Mobile ready takes much time cause server timeout or mysql timeout issue minimized
-Fix : Meta description display langauge issue fixed
-Fix : mpdf library update
Initial release : 6th July 2016