You can manage your contacts, create SMS/Email template, send SMS/Email, schedule SMS/Email, wish your contacts’ birthday etc using Smart SMS & Email Manager (SSEM) in a smarter way.
SSEM has built-in support for world’s most popular SMS & Email gateways like Plivo, Twilio, Clickatell, Nexmo, Mandrill, Sendgrid, Mailgun etc.
It’s a multi-user SaaS application and designed in a way so that each user can have independent environment. Users will have their own SMS/Email gateways and will manage their own SMS/Email as well as bills .
Use awesome services in your own language. SSEM now has built-in support for 11 languages and you can add new language easily.
Key Features :
Dashboard (graphical report of recent activities)
Settings (system customization & configuration)
User management (User Types : admin, user)
SaaS (Software as a Service) pack : PayPal payment and auto reminder system
Contact management (multi-grouped)
Most popular SMS/Email gateway support
(Plivo, Twilio, Clickatell, Nexmo, Mandrill, Sendgrid, Mailgun and so on)
SMS/Email template management
Bulk SMS/Email sending
Scheduled SMS/Email sending (read me)
Birthday wish SMS/Email (read me)
SSEM native APIs: a)Contact Sync b)Send SMS c)Send Email
Multilingual Support (built-in support for 11 languages)
Supported SMS Gateways :
- Planet IT
- Plivo
- Twilio
- Clickatell
- Nexmo
- msg91.com
- textlocal.in
- sms4connect.com
- telnor.com
- mvaayoo.com
- routesms.com
- trio-mobile.com
- sms40.com
Supported Email Gateways :
- Mandrill
- Sendgrid
- Mailgun
Send Auto Notification to Users
Responsive Front-end (new look)
New Dashboard Interface
Demo URL:
Back-end : Visit Awesome Back-end
Front-end: Visit Responsive Front-end
Login as Admin
Username: admin &
Password: 123456
Login as Member:
Username: member &
Password: 123456
Our team is ready to solve your problem as soon as possible. Please feel free to check our envato support instructions or email to konokronok@gmail.com
We will try our best to get your five star rating.
Want to know more about SSEM? Please read our Documentation
Update Log:
20th June 2016 – v3.1
Fixed: Twilio warning in some servers
Improved: English language (spelling, case etc)
13th June 2016 – v3.0
Added: Multilingual support
Extended: Front-end design
Fixed : Schedules/Birthday wish SMS/Email cron job issue
Fixed: Contact filtering by group issue
Fixed : Tenlor API issue
Fixed: Error when send email/SMS to only non-contacts issue
Fixed:bulk email CC/ BCC issue
10th April 2016 – v2.1
Added: Front end added (product description,registration etc)
Added: sms40.com,www.routesms.com & www.trio-mobile.com SMS API integration
Added: Remaining SMS credits are now displayed for Plivo, Clickatell and Nexmo (other APIs do not support credit check feature)
Fixed: Password was updating during user info update
Fixed : Payment was mandatory, now optional
4th March 2016 – v2.0
Added: new dashboad interface
Added: 5 new SMS API : msg91.com, textlocal.in, sms4connect.com, telnor,mvaayoo.com (India,Pakistan)
Added: Saas Pack : PayPal paymant
Added : Multi grouped contact
Fixed: urlencode problem in sms sending
Fixed: Scheduler cron job
Fixed: Dashboard donut bar was not showing if no email send
Fixed: SMS and Email sending speed (queueing & backend processing)
Fixed: sms was not working without leading + sometimes
Fixed: Chrome view was broken and cancel button was not working
Fixed: Contact import was not working
Fixed: Gmail SMTP was not working properly
Fixed: Forget password email sending
Fixed: Birthday wish email view was broken
19th February 2016 – v1.1.5
Fixed: SSEM Native API security issue
16th February 2016 – v1.1 (revised)
Fixed: "Forget Password" - php error
Fixed: "User Management" menu was showing for general users also
14th February 2016 – v1.1
-Fixed: Subject was not showing in email history
-Fixed: Display of email template and sent email were broken
-Fixed: Email history was taking long time to display
-Fixed: Twilio sms was not working
-New : SSEM native API key generation
-New : SSEM native APIs a)Contact Sync b)Send SMS c)Send Email
9th February 2016 – v1.0
-Initial release