Smart SMS & Email Manager (SSEM)


You can manage your contacts, create SMS/Email template, send SMS/Email, schedule SMS/Email, wish your contacts’ birthday etc using Smart SMS & Email Manager (SSEM) in a smarter way.

SSEM has built-in support for world’s most popular SMS & Email gateways like Plivo, Twilio, Clickatell, Nexmo, Mandrill, Sendgrid, Mailgun etc.

It’s a multi-user SaaS application and designed in a way so that each user can have independent environment. Users will have their own SMS/Email gateways and will manage their own SMS/Email as well as bills .

Use awesome services in your own language. SSEM now has built-in support for 11 languages and you can add new language easily.

Key Features :

  1.    Dashboard (graphical report of recent activities)

  2.    Settings (system customization & configuration)

  3.    User management (User Types : admin, user)

  4.    SaaS (Software as a Service) pack : PayPal payment and auto reminder system

  5.    Contact management (multi-grouped)

  6.    Most popular SMS/Email gateway support
       (Plivo, Twilio, Clickatell, Nexmo, Mandrill, Sendgrid, Mailgun and so on)

  7.    SMS/Email template management

  8.    Bulk SMS/Email sending

  9.    Scheduled SMS/Email sending (read me)

  10.    Birthday wish SMS/Email (read me)

  11.    Report

  12.    SSEM native APIs: a)Contact Sync b)Send SMS c)Send Email

  13.    Multilingual Support (built-in support for 11 languages)

Supported SMS Gateways :

  1. Planet IT

  2. Plivo

  3. Twilio

  4. Clickatell

  5. Nexmo









Supported Email Gateways :

  1. SMTP

  2. Mandrill

  3. Sendgrid

  4. Mailgun

Send Auto Notification to Users

Responsive Front-end (new look)

New Dashboard Interface

Demo URL:

Back-end : Visit Awesome Back-end
Front-end: Visit Responsive Front-end

Login as Admin
Username: admin &
Password: 123456

Login as Member:
Username: member &
Password: 123456


Our team is ready to solve your problem as soon as possible. Please feel free to check our envato support instructions or email to
We will try our best to get your five star rating.


Want to know more about SSEM? Please read our Documentation

Update Log:

20th June 2016 – v3.1

Fixed: Twilio warning in some servers
Improved: English language (spelling, case etc)

13th June 2016 – v3.0
Added: Multilingual support
Extended: Front-end design
Fixed : Schedules/Birthday wish SMS/Email cron job issue
Fixed: Contact filtering by group issue
Fixed : Tenlor API issue
Fixed: Error when send email/SMS to only non-contacts issue
Fixed:bulk email CC/ BCC issue

10th April 2016 – v2.1
Added: Front end added (product description,registration etc)
Added:, & SMS API integration
Added: Remaining SMS credits are now displayed for Plivo, Clickatell and Nexmo (other APIs do not support credit check feature)
Fixed: Password was updating during user info update
Fixed : Payment was mandatory, now optional

4th March 2016 – v2.0
Added: new dashboad interface
Added: 5 new SMS API :,,, telnor, (India,Pakistan)
Added: Saas Pack : PayPal paymant
Added : Multi grouped contact
Fixed: urlencode problem in sms sending
Fixed: Scheduler cron job
Fixed: Dashboard donut bar was not showing if no email send
Fixed: SMS and Email sending speed (queueing & backend processing)
Fixed: sms was not working without leading + sometimes
Fixed: Chrome view was broken and cancel button was not working
Fixed: Contact import was not working
Fixed: Gmail SMTP was not working properly
Fixed: Forget password email sending
Fixed: Birthday wish email view was broken

19th February 2016 – v1.1.5
Fixed: SSEM Native API security issue

16th February 2016 – v1.1 (revised)
Fixed: "Forget Password" - php error
Fixed: "User Management" menu was showing for general users also

14th February 2016 – v1.1
-Fixed: Subject was not showing in email history
-Fixed: Display of email template and sent email were broken
-Fixed: Email history was taking long time to display
-Fixed: Twilio sms was not working
-New : SSEM native API key generation
-New : SSEM native APIs a)Contact Sync b)Send SMS c)Send Email

9th February 2016 – v1.0
-Initial release



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