To reduce problems when Installing before buying please make sure you have PHP 5.6 installed.
Thanks For Considering Stock Awesome
Stock Awesome is a web based application that allows you to monitor office consumables and warehouse dispatches. It allows the user to easily manage your items and inventory easily manage your inventory level and value of items in store and also those dispatched making sure that the correct level of stock is maintained, to be able to meet demand while keeping the costs of holding stock to a minimum.
For users wishing to monitor their stock levels precisely, Stock Awesome allows refined management of quantities in the various places of storage, as well as a shortage alert for each item.
Themable and Customizable
StockAwesome comes with 6 themes that you can easily change and comes with modifiable settings e.g you can configure
- LPO numbering format
- Purchase Order Format
- Default Application Language
- Company Logo
All these features can be found in the your settings section.
StockAwesome is translated to several languages and all you need to do to add your language is fill out the translation.xlsm file in your root application and click generate. This should generate the translation files and all you need to do is copy them in your application
Stock Awesome has extensive documentation that address all aspects of the system. We have built the documentation to be used by end users and it is easily understandable
Inventory and Warehousing
Stock Awesome gives you the tools to manage your dispatch / procurement cycle. It allows you to track every process your product goes. Below is a drill down of all sections:-
Warehousing allows you to view your warehouse utilization and bins Allocation.
This section allows you to make purchase orders, track them and restock your warehouse from this purchase order. A PO can have multiple items
The restock section allows you to restock products without a purchase order. This is done one item per restock.
Dispatch Section allows you to dispatch products to Staff only. That is people you do not want to invoice. This is done one item per dispatch.
Create customers and the contact person. View Customer Open invoices, quotes/estimations raised.
Sales Orders
This section allows you to create a quotation. You can then create Invoices from this Sales Orders.
Create invoices and track their payments. Invoices are categorized in Paid and Unpaid Categories.
Allows you to record a payment of an invoice.
Support, Modifications and Enquiries
We fix bugs and do support for free and occasionally accept to do feature requests. If you need any help please talk to us in the comments section or email us via Envato. Here is what our customers have to say about us.
For Enquiries just email me via Envato and I should not take more than a day to reply.
Thanks for being an Awesome Customer
Want A Demo?
Click here to Visit Demo.
Username:codecanyon@example.com password:test123
Please note that the website database resets after every 40 minutes this is to allow you to explore the system delete items/ restore them without affecting the user experience of the next demo user
Version 3.0.8
- Customers Module
- Sales Order Module
- Invoicing Module
- Payments Module
Version 3.0.1
- Changes in Pagination
- Multiple Warehouse Locations
- Changes in Purchase Orders
- Removed Printers
- Removed Sidebar count buuble
Version 2.0.18
- Pagination Errors and Search Fixed
- Added Configurable Pagination Routes
- And Much more
Version 2.0.16
- Indonesian Translation (Thanks Asa Yijardni)
- Product Categories (requested by Andrei Tarasov)
Version 2.0.*
- Multi Company Support
- Translation Support translated by default to 7 languages
- Better CSS styling.
- Offer free 30 day free version
- Purchase Order Support
- Fixed Supplier delete bug