Soulyoga : Landing page template for online Yoga & Fitness classes.
Soulyoga is landing page template for yoga studios and yoga teacher training. Also inclueded template for online yoga classes. Its responsive and easy to customize.
Landing page created with the HTML 5 / CSS3 with bootstrap latest version 3.0. W3C Valid Html. Well Documented.
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Template Feature
- Bootstrap Grid 3.0
- Html 5 & Css 3
- Working Form
- W3c Valid Html
- Easy to Customize
- Teacher Training Template
- Online Tranining
- Online video tranining
- Thank you page
- Pricing Table
- 5 Color Available
- Scrolling-nav -by IronSummitMedia
- Superscrollorama jquery.superscrollorama.js
- Owlcarousel Owlcarousel
- TweenMax TweenMax.min.js