WooCommerce Search Box


WooCommerce Search Box – LIVE, FAST AND SMART Suggestions

WooCommerce Search Box is a very powerful and easy to use plugin which turns a simple search box of your WooCommerce Store to the powerful multifunctional magic box which helps you to sell more products. The plugin UI is compatible with all themes.

Lightning Fast Search by Product Name, Description, Product Tags, any Custom Fields, Synonyms and Attributes!

Smart and magic search engine

  1. Typo resolver: If your client types incorrect product name(f.e. “smartfon” instead of “smartphone”), our smart algorithm recognizes it and shows relevant results.

  2. String multi-sequence: If you have a product called “Apple iPhone White Case” but your client types “iPhone case”, “Apple phone case”, “white iPhone case” etc. – the plugin recognizes it and shows all corresponding products.

  3. Search by parameters: The plugin let’s you to build search box which finds the products by produtct title, description, SKU, any custom field, product tag, product category, product attributes etc. which is very useful.

  4. Search by synonyms. Place multiple custom synonym pairs and the plugin will take it into account.

  5. Show all variatons during the search

  6. And some another great features you might like

Some of features in action

First Screen – When the visitor starts to type something.

Typo Correction Resolver – If visitor makes typo mistake in search keyword, the plugin understands what he/she means and shows relevant results.

Search by Stock Keeping Unit code (SKU)

Search by your chosen custom meta field, tags, attributes.

Suggest popular products when “no any result found” message appears.

Seach by category names

Understanding special latin+greek letters

Search by synonym words

No matter to type either A-B-C or B-C-A, B-A-C, C-A-B row – all of them are understandable by our engine.

Great features for your WooCommerce website

  1. Main Feature: Very fast search suggestions by Product name, description, category, tag, meta fields, attributes and SKU – no loading time, no waiting, no any ajax or server-side loading, so it is really fast.

  2. Featured products block in live search suggestions box – Add any product you want.

  3. Latest visited products block in live search suggestions box which is personalized for each visitor.

  4. Additional help messages such as “type any text you want: f.e. child shoes”, “no any match found, you would like these new products” etc… in search suggestions box.

The plugin is cleanly integrated with WooCommerce, so even theme developers can add the plugin to their themes.(via extended license)


1.4.0 ver.
- Added: Search by variations.
- Added: Search by synonyms.
- Improvements: Generated cache size reduced by 7-10%.
1.3.4 ver.
- Added: Integration with WooCommerce Catalog Visibility setting.
1.3.2 ver.
- Improved: New search algorithm - now smarter and more powerful.
- Some fixes and little improvements.
1.3.1 ver.
- New: Cache rebuild button on wp-admin top bar!
- New feature: Cache auto-rebuild.
1.3.0 ver.
- New feature: Search by tags and any attributes!
- Some impovements.
1.2.3 ver.
- Improvement: Now search suggestions algorythm works 5-10 times faster.
- Fixed: Line breaks from custom fields are fixed for js code
1.2.2 ver.
- Added: Optional "Search from first letter" rule.
- Fixed: Out Of Stock products filtering works again.
1.2.0 ver.
- Added: Cache rebuild via Cron Jobs
- Added: Popular products block for "no match" screen
- Added: Ordering by any argument.
- Added: Search by category name(Display category names by search keyword)
- Fixed: Strip tags from hidden description.
1.1.2 ver.
-Added: Optional search by description feature.
-Fix: Some css repeats removed. Data JS file now has 16% less size.
1.1.1 ver.
-Fix: the plugin now removes expired campaign sale prices.
-Fix: Show previous suggestions after refocusing.
-Added: New parameter which defines when autocorrected key results should appear.
-Improvement: Formatted prices in suggestion box.
1.1.0 ver.
- Search algorithm now recognizes and converts special latin letters such as 'ä', 'ö', 'ü', 'à'.
-Added feature - search by product attribute(=meta_keys)
-Some other little improvements.
- WP 4.5 compatibility added
- Little improvements.



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