WooCommerce Vehicle Parts Finder - Make/Model/Year



“WooCommerce Vehicle Parts Finder – Make/Model/Year/Engine/Category/Keyword” is one of the best plugin for find Vehicles or Vehicle Parts on the website based on Make/Model/Year/Engine/Category/Keyword. The plugin provides very easy interface to use for Admin. Admin can add filter widget anywhere on the website using either widget section or shortcode.


  • Provides an easy interface to add/remove Engine, Categories and Keyword Filters

  • WPML Supported


  • A plugin for vehicle parts search based on Make/Model/Year/Engine/Category/Keyword

  • Allows you to add multiple Makes from an easy interface

  • Allows you to add multiple Models relevant to a particular Make from an easy interface

  • Allows you to add multiple Years relevant to a particular Model from an easy interface

  • Allows you to add multiple Engines relevant to a particular Year from an easy interface

  • Allows you to show/hide Engines filter

  • Allows you to show/hide Categories filter

  • Allows you to show/hide Keyword filter

  • Allows you to enable/disable additional tab on product details page to show Makes/Models/Years/Engines

  • Allows you to enable/disable jQuery Chosen for plugin select boxes to make them more user friendly

  • Provides a very easy interface to associate Makes, Models, Years and Engines for a Product

  • Provides “WooCommerce Vehicle Parts Finder – Make/Model/Year” widget as well as shortcode for easy use

  • Upload Makes/Models/Years/Engines in bulk through import tool

  • Users can search for Products/Parts based on the criteria they want to choose

  • Mobile friendly (Responsive) and easy to setup and use


== 2.3 ==
* Added option to delete all the terms in single click
* Added SKU compatibility along with product slug with "item_product" column in importable CSV
* Added Screen Options to set number of terms per page
* Fixed speed issue conflict with Yoast SEO Plugin
* Fixed error with MultiSite in case if WooCommerce is not active
* Fixed search results page to show products template and not category archive
* Fixed JS to work even if page loads through JS/AJAX
* Fixed year column space issue in CSV while uploading in ranges
* Fixed plugin admin menu role capabilities so that can be accessed by WooCommerce Shop Manager as well
* Fixed admin terms drop down list to leave blank rather than loading Makes in all the drop downs first time
* Improved HTML/PHP code snippets
* Improved products loading speed with few test cases

== 2.2 ==
* Changed the code to more optimized way for reuse and maintainability
* Fixed tweaks with CSV importer tool
* Fixed search results not to include products from child terms
* Fixed error in case if WooCommerce is not active
* Fixed terms to list by name
* Added option to disable next dropdowns until one choose current

== 2.1 ==
* Fixed "no terms list" issue on edit product page

== 2.0 ==
* Fixed the importer to handle heavy data
* Faster the importer
* Added range support to columns with importer CSV
* Added an individual admin menu for plugin
* Added few more settings

== 1.9 ==
* Added option to enable validations for filter fields
* Added multiple admin interface for assigning Makes/Models/Years/Engines to products
* Changed the admin interface for listing Makes/Models/Years/Engines
* Added option to separate CSV Make/Model/Year/Engine/Product columns by comma (,)

== 1.8 ==
* Fixed the taxonomy (Makes/Models/Years/Engines) hierarchy issues on product edit screen
* Added option to enable jquery tree for taxonomies list on product add/edit screen to manage heavy data more easily
* Added more filter hooks to filter arguments for get lists on front end

== 1.7 ==
* Fixed few spelling mistakes / grammer issues
* Added one more depth level for Engines along with Makes/Models/Years
* Added individual settings page for VPF
* Added additional tab on product details page (can be enabled/disabled from settings page)
* Added one more column "item_product" in CSV import tool to create product/terms relation at the same time while importing terms
* Added option of jQuery Chosen extension to enable/disable for the plugin

== 1.6 ==
* Updated importable CSV columns with more easier format
* Fixed few warnings/notices

== 1.5 ==
* Added option to show/hide keyword field
* Added category filter
* Fixed search page title
* Added view modes: Horizontal and Vertical

== 1.4 ==
* Added search page title

== 1.3 ==
* Added Makes/Models/Years import feature
* Added custom js hooks

== 1.2 ==
* Validate requested terms before showing results so that one don't change the terms from URL directly

== 1.1 ==
* Fixed search results page to load WooCommerce archive template

== 1.0 ==
* Launched the initial version of the plugin



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