Four In A Line


Four in a Line is a two-player connection game in which the players first takes turn dropping colored discs from the top into a seven-column, six-row vertically suspended grid. The pieces fall straight down, occupying the next available space within the column. The object of the game is to connect four of one’s own discs of the same color next to each other vertically, horizontally, or diagonally before your opponent.

Features Of Game

  • Vs Android mode.

  • 3 difficulty levels- Easy, Medium and Hard.

  • Two Player mode.

  • Undo function.

  • Smooth user interface and functionality

  • Designed for both Tablet and Phone.


Features of Source Code

  • Very easy to integrate and customize.

  • Very simple and clean UI

  • Admob banner ads and interstitial included.

  • Based on LibGDX game framework

  • Different graphic images for different screen phones

  • Run your app on desktop for debugging and reskinning.

  • PSD files also included for logo and other modification.

What You Get

  • JAVA, XML and APK files.

  • PSD photoshop files for graphics used in game.

  • Necessary Library Files required for game.


Q. Can it be reskinned in eclipse?

Ans. Yes.

Q. Does it uses Google play services or old admob sdk?

Ans. Google play services.

Q. Which version of LibGdx does it use?

Ans. It uses 1.2. However if you feel the need you can switch to latest version by updating required jar files.

Q. LibGdx switched to gradle. Do i need to have gradle plugin for this?

Ans. No. This code can be imported just like any other source code. You dont need any other plugin.

Q.Is it necessary to change the application layout before deploying it to play store?

Ans.That depends entirely on you. I suggest changing it for the sake of uniqueness.



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