Wally | iOS Universal Wallpapers App Template (Swift)
Sep 21st 2016
• Updated to Xcode 8
• We had to embed all the views that are in ScrollViews into a UIView called 'contView' in Storyboard, so the app will keep all layouts ok due to a bug of Xcode 8 on Autoresizing mask.
You'll find this line of code into viewDidLoad() methods in the .swift files that have a ScrollView:
contView.frame.size.width = view.frame.size.width
NOTE: Due to the bug on Xcode 8, every time you'll reopen your Xcode project, you will have to select those 'contView' UIViews and set their width to 320 by using the Size inspector panel on the right size
May 20th 2016
• Removed iAd since it'll be discontinued by June 2016
Mar 24th 2016
• Upated to XCode 7.3
Feb 18th 2016
• Updated the User Guide to show how to setup and work on CloudKit PRODUCTION environment
• Added a line of code in the entitlements of the app, in order to be able to directly test your app in PRODUCTION environment.
Wally is a full app template for wallpapers, users can save them into their photo library to later assign them as wallpapers to their devices, they can also submit new wallpapers to the admin of the app for approval, the admin will just have to flag a variable into his CloudKit Dashboard to publish them, it’s super easy.
Since this app works with CloudKit backend, you will need to setup your Bundle Identifier and link your app with your CloudKit Dashboard before posting or making any test (it’s FREE). You will also need to be logged in with your iCloud account in your device or Simulator.
Please note that, after creating the schema of Record Types in the CloudKit DEVELOPMENT environment, you’ll have to switch to PRODUCTION environment, and then you’ll be able to test the app only on a real iOS device.
Also, if you’ve created records in the DEVELOPMENT environment, you won’t find any of them in the PRODUCTION one, you will have to insert them again. It’s just how CloudKit works, there’s no import feature in it. Therefore we suggest you to work with the app only in PRODUCTION environment, as the User Guide explains.
Anyway, in case you’ll want to user the Simulator for your first tests in the DEVELOPMENT environment, you will have to click on the .entitlements icon of the files list in the XCode left panel and change the string “Production” into “Development”.
Then, when you’ll switch back to PRODUCTION in your CloudKit Dashboard, remember to replace “Development” with “Production” again.
Wally is written in Swift language, XCode project, Universal, CloudKit backend, easy to customize, User Guide and PSD files included in the package.
- XCode 8.x project – Swift – 64bit
- iOS 8/9/10+ – Universal – Storyboard
- AdMob banners
- Works with CloudKit backend
- Easily submit your own wallpaper for approval via the app, with an intuitive user interface
- As the owner of the app, approve/deny wallpapers submitted by users
- Update Categories and Wallpapers via CloudKit Dashboard, so you won’t have to submit an update to the App Store
- PDF User Guide included
- PSD graphics included
- Easy to customize, well commented code
Have fun with Wally, and don’t forget to rate it on your Downloads page if you like it!
Important Disclaimer: We’e recently found out that some developers have bought our app templates, reskinned them just a bit and put them on sale on other source code markets smilar to CodeCanyon, saying that they developed and own such source codes.
That is a serious copyright infringement, developers who buy our templates are allowed to reskin and sell them as apps on the AppStore (accordingly to the License type they’ve purchased a template for), but are not allowed to put our original source codes for sale on source code markets, including CodeCanyon.
We will report developers who made copyright infringements to the competent authorities.